Friday, November 16, 2007

Civil Rights

As Americans, don't we all have civil rights? Are those rights not granted by the Constitution? I think that someone's opinion of something should not be asserted upon others simply because they do not like something. If they are not being harmed by something then how can they argue that it should be illegal? I think that the use of the noose as a symbol is appalling but I also think that the noose itself is simply a tool that represents much more than just racial hatred. The noose has been a method of execution throughout history. What about all those who died for "treason", "sedition", and "witchcraft" by way of the noose? Do these people that want to see a symbol made illegal think that there are other symbols that should be illegal? What about the confederate flag? Perhaps the Islamic groups should be able to push for it to be illegal for anything they find offensive, and the Christian moral majority's assertions of moral law should also be given credence. The slippery slope that these people so readily charge towards seems to be absurd, but I cannot help but feel like I am taking up a detestable position. People only seem to see the edge of the double-edged sword that is pointed at themselves. The ability for people to ignore the perceptions of others seems to be increasingly accessible in a world that is growing ever more faceless. Perhaps those that are marching deserve their assertions acceptance simply because they are at least making their opinions known. It will not be until we find ourselves unable to speak our minds that people will make a fuss. It is a shame that abstract thought is such an inconvenience to so a large portion of our population. Land of the free... home of the brave... I find it appropriate that nothing is said of reason for our country.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Professional Armies

It is amazing that we have a group of civilians in Iraq right now that is killing people. If nothing else, should international law not apply to them? Why isn't INTERPOL rounding them up and putting a stop to their trigger-happy forays? The Romans used professional armies when they began to decline. The European nation-states also used professional armies for a short period of history. However, it has been shown that it is almost inevitable that a force fighting for personal causes almost always defeats a professional force no matter the odds. Blackwater is a professional army that our president has employed to increase somebodies profit margins, and be able to wipe his hands clean of accountability for all of Iraq. Am I alone in finding this to be a complete shame upon our country's honor? Am I alone in thinking that this is something that almost deserves the recourse that is almost inevitable for the actions that have been allowed to take place in the name of American "Freedom"?