Monday, February 11, 2008

Seriously, What About The Constitution?

Watching all the media coverage of the political environment in our country, I can't help but find it amazing that there is no talk of correspondence between platforms and their constitutional relativity. Would it not seem a very good expose to look at the working of our government, the projected workings of government under the current candidates, and those processes in context to their constitutional legitimacy? We do live in a constitutional republic right? So what happened to that? I'm not even trying to assert any party of any kind, I'm simply trying to see what kind of accountability exists within our government in relation to the Constitution. Are we officially becoming socialist? If so, then why isn't that being discussed? As the dollar continues to lose value, and more services are transferred to government control, does it not become apparent that socialism is taking incremental control? The development of black markets in the United States is a very strong indicator of that. Yet the government, in its infinite wisdom associates the development of gangs with drugs. Gangs flourish because they provide services and goods that cannot be provided by the American economy, but government still pushes commercial campaigns that associate these gangs with drugs. What about organized crime that took place long before the "problem of drugs"? They want people to contribute to the government's efforts so that they can continue to do nothing of significance against these black markets. These markets are not just about drugs, they are also about the control of weapons. As we continue to limit the ability of our citizens to own guns, they will continue to expand their successful expansion in black markets. This has already been seen in other parts of the world, and yet here we are trying to do the same here and seeing the same results and allowing our government to take more of our money to do nothing about it. It's amusing. All I can do is observe and comment. Perhaps one day, people will see things for what they are, and after the United States of America is long gone, another attempt at the experiment that the colonials worked so hard to bring about will be made. It is a shame that we have so willingly given up on the experiment that they tried to give us, and allowed so many parts of our lives to be controlled. An interesting thought to leave you with... If the Democratic party is allowed to bring about this universal health care, it will become a criminal offense not to pay insurance. You will be a criminal just because you wish to choose not to participate in insurance. Does that not seem like it is in the interest of the insurance company rather than in the interest of the people? Yet there are so many people out there pushing so very hard for these people...

1 comment:

Jared said...

Obama all the way!

Bros before Hoes!!!

Half Honkey - All Donkey!!!!

Don't you want to be a Barack Star!!!