Wednesday, January 16, 2008


What happened to the idea of people being able to practice as they please in this country? I thought that people had the right to "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Yet the fears of a few have been spread to many for the comfort of some, and brought about the demise of such an important aspect of this country. If people wish to do something to themselves then they should have that right. These "campaigns" against drugs are the epitome of the forces poisoning what makes this country unique just to allow the few that have their fears to feel better about their lack of faith in their fellow Americans. I'm not arguing against the damages of any drug (although I find it shameful to make many of the assertions being claimed as accredited social science. They are simply the opinions of groups with motivated interests and we can all find what we seek through enough distortion, but that is an entirely different discussion). I am simply arguing that, for better or worse, this is supposed to be the land of the free. To me, that means that a crime is committed when rights are being infringed upon. For that reason, a person ingesting a chemical is far less of a crime than what these "campaigns" are trying to commit. These campaigns are not alone. The campaigns for the control of information distribution have a strong potential to develop into similar enemies of the state. Beyond either of these cases, although somehow far less popular amongst discussion is the methods being used in this "War on Terror". This "war" has no defined enemies, in fact, the targets of this fight are simply called "enemy combatants". An enemy combatant can be anyone from anywhere that is implicated in an act of terror, but what can be listed as an act of terror? I have confidence that those responsible for the safety of this country will not use the precedent set by this act to suppress people with different beliefs without actual threat from them, but it leaves the door open for others in the future to abuse. What scares me is the potential for anyone to be deemed an enemy combatant, and the nightmare then begins. The Writ of Habeas Corpus is suspended for those deemed enemy combatants, and that gives those who are in control of targeting the power to be above the law. It is true that Habeas Corpus has been suspended before in this country's history, but every time before this has been under strongly defined and far more pressing conditions. The desperate pride of crusaders seeking vindication for their personal judgments is their own beast of burden. I will not make anyone out to be a bad guy for doing what they believe is right, and so I will not wish ill will upon them. I simply find it sad that this country is being defaced in such a way and the freedoms of the world are being abolished in the so-called, "land of the free".

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