Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Senator Mitchell: A Danger to the United States?

William Randolph Hearst was a man who was instrumental in the criminalizing of marijuana. Hearst set the precedent for the annexation of the individual liberties of Americans to the Federal Government. In his selfish and prideful crusade to garner fame and prestige, he destroyed one of the most important characteristics of being an American. Now, Senator George J. Mitchell is attempting to do the same for performance enhancing drugs. The talks are not only about steroids, but about amphetamines that are used by individuals with disabilities to be able to maintain focus and attention. These McCarthyism-like actions are a travesty and yet we sit here and watch helplessly as they set yet another precedent. It was not enough to attack the threat of performance inhibiting substances, now they want to attack performance enhancing substances. What scares me is that there is the implications that regulation could extend to all substances that an individual can ingest, and if that is the case, then American freedom truly will die as we watch our dear sports on television. Can we not stand and make our voices loud enough to let those high up on Capitol Hill hear us. In unison, we must scream with the desperation of American patriotism's threatened livelihood to stop. Their insatiable need to regulate all aspects of life are destroying that which we stand for, and are doing no service to this country, but are truly committing the most threatening acts of treason ever presented to this great union of states known as the United States of America. Please, silence those who proliferate fear and limitation towards the most important aspects of our nation, and allow all to hear the bells of freedom ring.

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